1.Define Sareera& write sareera sastra vibhaga. (5marks)
2.write the difference between purusha & dhathu and explain karma purusha
3.Write the sudha arthava lakshanas & arthava dhosha (5mrks)
4.write the anatomical pecularities of fetal circulation (5mrks)
5.write down the Pithrija , Mathrija& rasanja bhavas of garbha (5mrks)
6.describe puberty , menarche & menopause (5mrks)
7.write short note on ;-
a.dasa moola sira
b.umbilical cord
d.anthara srootas
e.achill`s tendon
8.Write the formation ,its legaments and the clinical anatomy of Hip joint.
9.Explain the parts & side determination of Humerus (5mrks)
10.Describe the external features of heart (5mrks)
11.Write the orgin extent & course & branches of axillary artery (5mrks)
12.Write the orgin , insertion , action & innervation of following muscles
a. Triceps brachi. b. Pectoralis major
13.Explain pericardium (5mrks)
14.Write short note on :-
a. lymph gland
b. Flexor retinaculum.
c. Seemantham & koorcham
d. Popliteal fossa
e. Cardiac muscle.
Question paper of 1st prof.. B.A.M.S examination
( paper-1 )
( paper-1 )
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Parts A and B should be answered in separate answerbooks.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Part A
1. Describe the method of “Mrutha samsodhana” as explained by Susrutha. (8 marks)
2. Enumerate the various bhavas derived from panchamahabhutas and atma. (6 marks)
3. Define Dehaprakruthi. Describe the physical and mental attributes of Vatha prakruthi. (10 marks)
4. Describe the microscopic structure of ovary with the help of a diagram. (5 marks)
5. Enumerate the body structures derived from ectoderm and mesoderm. (5 marks)
6. Write briefly on:
(a) Trigunas.
(b) Pumsavanam.
(c) Placenta.
(d) Satva prakruthi. (4x4 = 16 marks)
Part B
7. Describe the classification of synovial joints giving examples (7 marks)
8. Describe the gluteal surface of ilium with muscle attachments. (6 marks)
9. Name paranasal sinuses. Describe briefly the largest paranasal sinus and write its
surgical importance. (8 marks)
10. Write the origin, insertion, nerve supply and action of the following muscles :
(a) Trapezius (Prushtacchada)
(b) Rectus femoris (Uru dandika) (2x4 = 8 marks)
11. Describe the microscopic structure of a lymph node with the help of a diagram. (5 marks)
12. Write briefly on :
(a) Fascia lata.
(b) Koorcham
(c) Conducting system of heart
(d) Rectus sheath (4x4 = 16 marks)
Question paper of 1st prof.. B.A.M.S examination
( paper-2 )
( paper-2 )
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Parts A and B should be answered in separate answer books.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Part A
1. What is Asaya? Explain the Garbhāsaya [Uterus] (6 marks)
2. Briefly explain the muscles of Tongue (5 marks)
3. What is mesentery? Explain (5 marks)
4. Describe the following:
(a) Thyroid gland (Graiveyak granthi).
(b) Structures of the lateral wall of nasal cavity (2x5 = 10 marks)
5. Briefly explain:
(a) Nephron
(b) Cartilages of larynx
(c) Grahani (3x5 = 15 marks)
6. Write short notes on:
(a) Waldeyer's ring
(b) Porta hepatis
(c) Sphincters of urethra (3x3 = 9 marks)
Part B
7. Describe the internal structure of Medulla-Oblongata. (5 marks)
8. Distinguish between Grey matter and White matter. Where is each found? (5 marks)
9. Describe the formation of Brachial plexus (6 marks)
10. Briefly explain the venous sinsus of dura matter (5 marks)
11. Describe the following:
(a) Gross structure of spinal cord
(b) Lacrimal apparatus (2x5 = 10 marks)
12. Briefly explain the following marmas
(a) Hridayam
(b) sringataka (2x5 = 10 marks)
13. Write short notes on:
(a) Tympanic membrane
(b) Emissary vein
(c) Cornea. (3x3 = 9 marks) posted by deepu damodar at 1:06 AM